John Stezaker


This series by Stezaker, is again, another take on replacement imagery. Using vintage silhouettes that have become iconic over the years, and filling them with another monochrome still from a similar era. Much like Kolar’s work, it’s good to see the same technique being used in a different context. There are obviously repetitive methods one can fall into with collage, and at times i’ve been afraid that i’ve been fairly unoriginal in my techniques. But after seeing Stezaker’s work, it’s given me faith that there are reasons why certain techniques are successful, and have been reworked over the years. That’s the nature of being an artist, taking what’s already been done and doing something else with it. I’ve also found that the most effective collages seem to be the simplest. Using basic techniques, but focussing on the power of the chosen images themselves to communicate to the viewer. It’s given me more confidence in my work, and i feel better able to focus on the core of my theme, without the worry of over compensating with quantity within a single collage.

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