Exposure Photography

In the open exhibit, was a lovely lady who was doing a drop in workshop about exposure photography. She had boxes full of bits and bobs, some incredible trinkets she found just lying around. Ranging from kids toys, to rusting leaves and twigs, butterfly wings and local flowers. The process of exposure photography is remarkably easy. It involves photography paper, items composed on top of the paper, then pressed in a glass clip frame, to secure the objects. Then you leave the frame by the window, so it’s exposed to the sun. Then after about 24 hours, you remove the frame and the items contained within it, and dip the paper in water. What you’re left with is a gorgeously etherial image. you can see the detail of the butterflies wing, but it’s faded yet vibrant, as it’s a silhouette of the object that was once there, like the sun has traced it for you. Really amazing technique that i was very glad to have tried. And perhaps, i would return to the technique one day, in my practice…


(The Photographs are bad as my scanner has broken, and taking a decent photo of photograph paper in good light, is a challenge)


2014-12-01 13.08.59 2014-12-01 13.09.45

Made In Roath Continued…

There was so much to get involved in during the ‘Made in Roath’ festival. Myself and fellow friend and fine art student, visited an open exhibition, known as the ‘Artists in Residence’, along Albany road. It was located in an old Blockbuster shop, and there were  a few gems that were enlightening and inspiring. I think it’s really important to see what other local artists are undertaking in their practice, to better inform your own. It really helps to kick start your enthusiasm to see what others are capable of…


Spit and Sawdust

On friday, i attended an all day art event at the indoor skatepark on Newport road a.k.a the ‘Spit and Sawdust’. This was part of the ‘Made in Roath’ festival that is currently ongoing. It was a really great opportunity to get involved in some communal workshops and meet some really interesting people.

We started with a nature walk whereby a group took a stroll through the nature reserve that lies in the middle of the industrial estates on Newport road. We met a park ranger called Raaj, and he told us various information about how the reserve came to be and some interesting pointers on the vast variety of wildlife that existed within the premises. Throughout the walk we would stop and discuss questions that were proposed to us to ponder upon, during our wanderings.


All the while, a group at the skatepark, had been constructing a building out of wooden crates, as well as, mask making workshops and sausage making workshops. Once we had returned from the walk, it was our opportunity to get stuck in with all the happenings back at the ranch. But that was only after the most amazing and delicious lunch prepared for us by the owners of the Spit and Sawdust.

It was a really fun day, and i enjoyed getting involved in everything. I met some amazing people with fascinating backgrounds, and it was refreshing to meet working artists who were open to discussion about their work and the practice of art generally. We ended with a group activity where we were given a brief about the annihilation of the area of roath, and we each, in our given groups, had to come up with a plan, be that architectural, or business based, to re build the lost area that once was Roath. This allowed some keen input and teamwork, which is something you become unaccustomed to usually, working as an independent artist. and it has inspired me to perhaps collaborate, either in my artistic practice or my musical interests, and work with people who i respect and am passionate about what could be brewed up between us. Over all a really great experience and i’m keen to do anything that the Spit and Sawdust puts on. Here’s hoping…

Brief Exploration

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So i’ve just been doing some very quick studies of my artefact. But i think i’m being quite timid with my approach, and i’m eager to get adventurous with my early explorations of this object so see what i can produce. 


My Artefact

After much bewilderment and bedazzlement in the Pitt Rivers Museum, i finally decided upon the object of choice for my project. I settled on a skull from the ‘treatment of enemies’ case….and here it is….

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This is the head of an enemy that was once paraded around as a trophy on ceremonial occasions. The brain was removed and the head, soaked in the astringent oil of the andrioba (Carapa Guianensis), and then desiccated. It’s from the Mundurucu Indians in Rio Tapa Joz, Brazil. The Mundurucu are known as ‘Paiquice’ which translates as ‘head takers’.

I love my macabre themes and i’m particularly interested in anthropology, philosophy, morality, and the consequences of human actions on the world. how we’ve shaped our development as well as environment and what extraordinary measures we’ve gone to in order to do so. i like to address themes that make most people uncomfortable as i feel we can learn something from these bizarre occurrences in human nature. This skull immediately triggered excitement in me and i have a good feeling that this guy will be able to sustain my practice for the next few months. Lets see what comes of it….

The Pitt Rivers Museum

I took the opportunity over the weekend, to travel to Oxford and visit one of my favourite museums that resides inside the Natural History Museum of Oxford. The Pitt Rivers Museum has long been an amazing source of inspiration to me and to my practice. The collection and it’s form of display is just incredible. It’s like a wonder emporium of odd trinkets from around the world, a cabinet of curiosities if you will. Every time i’ve been there, i’ve always found something to ignite some artistic enthusiasm. So it made sense to go check it out once more and dig out some weird and wonderful artefact for me to base this project on…


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On Thursday, I attended a lecture that was in reference to the brief we were given during our first week of year 2. The subject of the lecture was ‘appropriation’. The intention was to enlighten us on what direction we could take with this project within the next couple of months. I found it very useful although looking back at my notes, i seem to be out of practice as far as getting the right information down is concerned….

Here is a brief outline of some of the things i took from the lecture…

There is such a thing as a subconcious ‘Inner world’ of expression that links to the release of the ‘soul’/’Psyche’. This is compared through Pollock, who uses expressive gestures to create his work, and Raushanburg, who usues controlled examples of expression to produce a piece. Appropriation served as a radical shift from marxism, art that govens, to art that changes the world. Technologie contributed to a shift in our cultural mentality, from the industrial revolution, and initiated a shift in our conciousness.

Trip to the Museum

On Wednesday, I took a trip to the local museum in Cardiff, to see what it had to offer in terms of inspiration in the form of an artefact, or a piece of art to study for this project. While there were many pieces that had potential, i already felt that there wasn’t anything there that would sustain my level of interest for the following months where i would be solely working on this project. I needed to outsource my artefact and take a trip to somewhere that would really get the creative juices flowing…

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First Week

So it has begun. The first week is up and a lot has happened already. Very happy to be up and running with the first project of the year. As it is going to last a considerable amount of time, plenty of research and strong subject matter is going to be needed. So i guess it’s time to get my inspiration down….

Level 5 Brief 09:14

Hello Hello….and Welcome

Establecimiento Facial de apego emocional


Well Hello there,

My name is Ellie Fulcher. I am a second year Fine Art student at Cardiff Met. And this is an informative blog, that will provide some insight into my progression throughout the year, in my field of study.